A simple Youtube app made with ❤ designed with familiar layout. A native way to enjoy Youtube on Windows 10. ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆

PS: This is not a fully-featured Youtube client app.


  • Open videos, playlist, channel and etc. in tabs
  • Occasional System Toast Notification
  • Extended search info
  • Native and responsive UI

Coming soon:

  • Open video in mini mode (Picture-in-Picture)
  • Threaded comments
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Listen to Youtube

Listen to your favourite podcast, talk or music distraction free.

Play audio mode is accessible through context menu and overlaying controls.

Why just listen to single item when you can play all the related items? Youtubeast enable you to achieve exactly that by providing popup listview on the bottom right of the Media Bar and also a dedicated audio player page.

Tabs support

Get productive with tabs. Experience Youtube the Windows way.

Open any video in a new tab by right-clicking the video item or hovering the mouse pointer over the video item and click on the overlaying button.

You may also open a new predefined page in new tab by clicking on the Plus button at the top bar.

Context menu support

Do more with context menu

It's not a Windows app if there's no context menu. Youtubeast makes use of this feature heavily throughout the app.

Among the functions which are available via the context menu are: Add to playlist, Play audio, Open in new tab, Open in web browser, Share, Copy and etc.

System Toast Notification

Occasionally receive a toast notification for the recommended video.

Take action simply right from the toast popup or notification center whether to listen to the audio, watch the video or dismiss it.